Feb. 2024 Youth Policy Evaluation and Tasks "No country for young people?" Hosting the 1st Monthly Forum of the Research Institute for Economy and
Sociery Institute
Mar. "Republic of Korea, where will you go?" Hosting the 2nd Monthly Forum of the Research Institute for Economy and Sociery Institute
Apr. "경알못? 주린이? All gathered together!" Youth Future Economy Academy - Hosting the 3rd Monthly Forum of the Research Institute for Economy and Sociery
May. "The path that conservatives should take after the general election" Hosting the 4th Monthly Forum of the Research Institute for Economy and Sociery Institute
Jun. "The Future with AI: Changes in the Political Environment and Security Paradigm and Responses" Hosting the 5th Monthly Forum of the Research Institute for
Economy and Sociery Institute.(Jae-ok yoon Office of the National Assembly co-host )
Jul. "The most realistic use of generative AI at this point in time" Hosting the 6th Monthly Forum of the Research Institute for Economy and Sociery Institute.
Aug. "The Korea of Tomorrow: Youth Ask, and the Older Generation Answers" Hosting the 5th Anniversary Seminar of the Research Institute for Economy and Sociery
Sep. "Our Challenges Following the U.S. Presidential Election " Hosting the 7th Monthly Forum of the Research Institute for Economy and Sociery Institute (Hosted by: National Assembly Global Diplomacy and Security Forum)
Oct. "Outlook on the U.S. Presidential Election" Hosting the 8th Monthly Forum of the Research Institute for Economy and Sociery Institute
Feb. "1st Youth se-um camp" Held (korea youth foundation co-host)
"Exploring Reform Measures for the Electoral System " Hosting a Seminar (Hyung-doo Choi Office of the National Assembly co-host)
May. "1 Year of the Suk Yeol Yoon Administration: The Four Major Challenges and Solutions for the South Korean Economy " Hosting a Seminar
Change of business address (10th Floor, 469, Samil-daero, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea)
Jul. "A Future Opened Together by Korea and Australia" Hold a discussion (Jae-ok yoon Office of the National Assembly · Hyung-doo Choi Office of the National Assembly · THE FEDRATION OF KOREAN INDUSTRIE co-host)
Sep. "Innovation in Education and Training for Building a Strong Military" Defense Policy Seminar Held
Nov. "Public Safety and Nuclear Safety Regulation " Hosting a Technology Policy Seminar
"2nd Youth se-um camp" Held (korea youth foundation co-host)
Dec. "You're doing great, and you'll do even better!" Future Center Performance Report Meeting Held
05. 07
(사)경제사회연구원 창립 총회(발기인: 박성희, 이상민, 장훈, 최대석, 최형두)
05. 22
'한국사회의 공론장은 어디에 있는가' - 박성희 교수(이화여대 커뮤니케이션 미디어학과)
06. 27
주무관청 국회사무처 법인 설립 허가
07. 15
법인 성립 및 등기
09. 03
'가교국가의 요건: 역사적 운명 가꾸기' - 송호근 석좌교수(포항공대 인문사회학부)
09. 30
2019년 3/4분기 기획재정부 지정기부금단체 지정
10. 14
양승목, 이한우 이사 등기
12. 12
'2020 국제정세전망: 한반도를 중심으로' - 신범철 박사(아산정책연구원 안보통일센터장)
12. 31
소재지 이전(서울특별시 서초구 서초중앙로89 미래빌딩 6층)
01. 15
(사)경제사회연구원 월간 뉴스레터 창간호 발간 시작
02. 13
'북한 경제의 현재와 미래' - 김병연 교수(서울대 경제학부 교수)
03. 03
「정책의 배신: 좌파 기득권 수호에 매몰된 대한민국 경제 사회 정책의 비밀」 발간 - 윤희숙 경제·기업분과위원
03. 22
유튜브 채널 '경사연 놀이터' 시작
06. 24
(사)경제사회연구원 위클리 레터 발간 시작
07. 02
'진중권 교수 한국사회를 말한다: 이념·세대·문화의 미래' - 진중권 교수(전 동양대 교양학부 교수)
12. 17
권남훈, 신범철, 전지현 이사 등기
01. 18
유튜브 채널 '경제사회TV' 개국
Jun. Inauguration of Chairman Dae-seok Choi and Chief Director Nam-hoon Kwon
Jul. A Newsletter for the Public Forum of Young People [cheak this out!] open
Aug. Signing an MOU with The Epoch Times Korea
Jan. YouTube channels [ Research Institute for Economy and Sociery TV ] Renewal Open
01월 monthly news latter <Research Institute for Economy and Sociery Latter> Send email
Oct. UniKorea Foundation Support project 「Program for Training North Korean Defectors and South Korean Youth as Opinion Leaders」
Nov. 「2030 Vision Seminar (MBN·Maeil Business Newspaper boost)」 hold
Dec. Change of business address (8th Floor, Dongduk Building, 68 Ujeongguk-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea)
Jan. Research Institute for Economy and Sociery monthly news latter published
Mar. Authoring support business first 「The Betrayal of Policy: The Hidden Truth of South Korea's Economic and Social Policies Trapped in Leftist Establishment
Protection (HUISUK YUN)」 published
Jun. Research Institute for Economy and Sociery weekly latter Publishing
Nov. YouTube channels [ Research Institute for Economy and Sociery Playgrounds ] open
May. Founding General Assembly of the Research Institute for Economy and Sociery
Jun. Approval for Corporate Establishment by the National Assembly Secretariat as the Competent Authority
Jul. Establishment and Registration of a Corporation
Sep. Holding a Seminar in Celebration of the Founding Anniversary "The Requirements of a Bridge Nation: Cultivating Historical Destiny"
(Talk : HOGEUN-SONG, Endowed Chair Professor, Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, POSTECH (Pohang University of Science and Technology)
9월 Designated as a Tax-Exempt Donation Organization by the Ministry of Economy and Finance in the Third and Fourth Quarters of 2019.
Dec. Change of business address (89, Seochojungang-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea)
Research Institute for Economy and society
TEL +82-3487-0606 | E-mail ries@ries.or.kr |Address 10F, 469, Samil-daero, Jongno-gu, Seoul, (03147), Repubilc of Korea
Copyright ⓒ Research Institute for Economy and society All rights reserved.
Whistleblowing (National Assembly Secretariat)