The YouTube channel Economic and Social TV

물어보자 (Let's ask)
알아야돼,몰라도돼 (You need to know, you don't have to know)
권남훈&민세진의 경제이야기 (Nam-hoon Kwon and Se-jin Min's Economic Story)
외교안보 티키타카 (Diplomatic Security Tiki-Taka)
RIES seminar
[Policy Brief] 영상보고서 (Video Report)

Research Institute for Economy and society

TEL +82-3487-0606 | E-mail ries@ries.or.krAddress 10F, 469, Samil-daero, Jongno-gu, Seoul, (03147), Repubilc of Korea

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Whistleblowing (National Assembly Secretariat)