The 21st Century Platform
Think Tank for Future Generations
RIES goes beyond division and confrontation to establish a
vision for the future and develop new strategies.
We aim to create a space where various issues can be
publicly discussed and accepted, serving as a seed of hope
and a foundation for South Korea's next leap forward.
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RIES 세미나
We design and build digital products people enjoy using...
Hey! Recently we were working on a project for ..We design and build digital products people enjoy using...
We are a Creative Digital Agency based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We take pride in designing and building...
A new project is an opportunity to create something unique.We are a Creative Digital Agency based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We take pride in designing and building...
As an interdisciplinary agile team, our production process is flexible, collaborative, and adapts to each client’s needs
We look forward to working with you on your next projectAs an interdisciplinary agile team, our production process is flexible, collaborative, and adapts to each client’s needs
We are working on the UX/UI design for a large hotel owners and hospitality management company.
Style Tiles are always a good option to show work in progress!We are working on the UX/UI design for a large hotel owners and hospitality management company.
More shots with final designs coming soon.
You can check the attachment for a full view..More shots with final designs coming soon.
we streamline the process without having to make multiple mockups.
This is a proposal to add value to a crowdfunding listing pagewe streamline the process without having to make multiple mockups.
Style tiles serve as a flexible starting point that helps us easily communicate the essence of a visual brand for the web.
Clients easily understand themStyle tiles serve as a flexible starting point that helps us easily communicate the essence of a visual brand for the web.
We are working on an exciting project for a company in the investment business. Stay tuned!
we have a lot of fun during this phase.We are working on an exciting project for a company in the investment business. Stay tuned!
We design and build digital products people enjoy using...
Hey! Recently we were working on a project for ..We design and build digital products people enjoy using...
We are a Creative Digital Agency based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We take pride in designing and building...
A new project is an opportunity to create something unique.We are a Creative Digital Agency based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We take pride in designing and building...
As an interdisciplinary agile team, our production process is flexible, collaborative, and adapts to each client’s needs
We look forward to working with you on your next projectAs an interdisciplinary agile team, our production process is flexible, collaborative, and adapts to each client’s needs
We are working on the UX/UI design for a large hotel owners and hospitality management company.
Style Tiles are always a good option to show work in progress!We are working on the UX/UI design for a large hotel owners and hospitality management company.
More shots with final designs coming soon.
You can check the attachment for a full view..More shots with final designs coming soon.
we streamline the process without having to make multiple mockups.
This is a proposal to add value to a crowdfunding listing pagewe streamline the process without having to make multiple mockups.
Style tiles serve as a flexible starting point that helps us easily communicate the essence of a visual brand for the web.
Clients easily understand themStyle tiles serve as a flexible starting point that helps us easily communicate the essence of a visual brand for the web.
We are working on an exciting project for a company in the investment business. Stay tuned!
we have a lot of fun during this phase.We are working on an exciting project for a company in the investment business. Stay tuned!
We design and build digital products people enjoy using...
Hey! Recently we were working on a project for ..We design and build digital products people enjoy using...
We are a Creative Digital Agency based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We take pride in designing and building...
A new project is an opportunity to create something unique.We are a Creative Digital Agency based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We take pride in designing and building...
As an interdisciplinary agile team, our production process is flexible, collaborative, and adapts to each client’s needs
We look forward to working with you on your next projectAs an interdisciplinary agile team, our production process is flexible, collaborative, and adapts to each client’s needs
We are working on the UX/UI design for a large hotel owners and hospitality management company.
Style Tiles are always a good option to show work in progress!We are working on the UX/UI design for a large hotel owners and hospitality management company.
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[물어보자_경제이슈] 3년 만의 기준금리 인하, 한국 경제의 미래는?
[물어보자_경제이슈] 2025년 저출산 예산 22% 증액, 과연 출산율 상승으로 이어질까?
[물어보자_외교안보] 미국의 운명은? 트럼프-해리스 대결 전망
[물어보자_경제이슈] 티메프 사태와 구글 반독점 소송, 어떻게 될까?
[물어보자_외교안보] 북러협정, 동맹인지 자동개입인지...한미관계 어떻게 나아가야 하나?
[물어보자_경제이슈] 상속세 개편 왜 필요한가, 금투세 어떻게 바라봐야할까?
[물어보자_경제이슈] 알리 테무 발암물질 안전성 검사는 어떻게? 금리를 먼저 낮춰야하는 시점일까?
[물어보자_경제이슈] 25만원 민생지원금이 생각보다 반대가 많은 이유? 총선 지나서야 물가 점검한 정부?
[물어보자_경제이슈] 60년대생이 살아왔던 과정 그리고 앞으로의 과제
국민연금 개혁안, 기금 소진시점만 늦출뿐인데? / 중국 알리 · 테무의 공습, 대응책은?
[물어보자_경제이슈] 24년 3월의 경제 이슈, 국민연금 개혁안, 중국 알리 테무 공습, 해결책은?|ep.4국민연금 개혁안, 기금 소진시점만 늦출뿐인데? / 중국 알리 · 테무의 공습, 대응책은?
플랫폼법, 누구를 위한 법인가? 플랫폼 규제, 어떻게 접근해야 하는지
[물어보자_경제이슈] 24년 2월 이슈, 플랫폼법, 왜 무기한 연기되었는지? Ep. 3-2플랫폼법, 누구를 위한 법인가? 플랫폼 규제, 어떻게 접근해야 하는지
코리아 디스카운트문제, 단편적인 해결책만으로는 해소 안돼
[물어보자_경제이슈] 24년 2월 이슈, 기업 밸류업 프로그램, 코리아 디스카운트 해소하나? Ep. 3-1코리아 디스카운트문제, 단편적인 해결책만으로는 해소 안돼
미국전문가들 "한반도 전쟁 날듯" 윤 정부는 어떻게 대응하나?
[물어보자_외교안보] 24년 1월 이슈, 총선과 미대선의 해, 북한으로 인해 판을 뒤흔들리나?|ep.2미국전문가들 "한반도 전쟁 날듯" 윤 정부는 어떻게 대응하나?
북한의 선넘은 도발, 평화통일 이대로 가능할까?
[물어보자_외교안보] 24년 1월 이슈, 김정은의 과도한 도발 발언, 전문가도 한숨 나오는 발언 분석|ep.1북한의 선넘은 도발, 평화통일 이대로 가능할까?
국가 채무는 심각한데 세금 덜 걷는 정책 내놓는 정부?
[물어보자_경제이슈] 세수펑크 56조,국가채무 1,110조! 비어가는 국고... 그런데 세금을 덜 걷는다고?국가 채무는 심각한데 세금 덜 걷는 정책 내놓는 정부?
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[알아야돼&몰라도돼] 한국의 텍사스? 영일만 석유 소문을 파헤치다!|몰라도돼ep.14영일만에 석유가?! 진실을 파헤치다!
[알아야돼&몰라도돼] 윤석열 대통령이 채상병 특검을 피한다?|몰라도돼ep.13
[알아야돼&몰라도돼] 우리가 몰랐던 선거제도, 소선거제도/중대선거제도, 차이는?|몰라도돼ep.12
[알아야돼&몰라도돼] 민주당의 이재명 '셰셰' 논란, 여당도 안심할 수 없다?|몰라도돼ep.11
[알아야돼&몰라도돼] 학부모가 원하는 정책, '늘봄학교' 성공하려면?|알아야돼ep.5
[알아야돼&몰라도돼] 화제의 영화 '파묘' 친일논란? 풍수지리는 과연 유교적인걸까?|몰라도돼ep.10
[알아야돼&몰라도돼] 화제의 카이스트 입틀막 사건, 누구의 잘못이 가장 큰가?|몰라도돼ep.9
[알아야돼&몰라도돼] 이재명이 말하는 '준연동형 비례대표제', 알고보면 악의적인 제도?|몰라도돼ep.8
[알아야돼&몰라도돼] 바이든vs트럼프 재대결 성사?! 저번과 다른 미국대선 분위기, 어떤시점으로 봐야될까?|알아야돼ep.4
[알아야돼&몰라도돼] 정당 집권의 반복되는 틀을 깬 대만 총통선거! 한국과 비슷한 양상이 보인다던데|몰라도돼ep.7
[알아야돼&몰라도돼] 이재명 피습 사건으로 보는 꼭 알아야 되는 것!!!|몰라도돼ep.6
[알아야돼&몰라도돼 2023 결산] 2023년을 뜨겁게 달궜던 각종 이슈 정리!
[알아야돼&몰라도돼] 2030 엑스포 유치 실패, 무엇이 문제였나?|몰라도돼ep.5
[알아야돼&몰라도돼] 바이든·시진핑 정상회담에서 분위기가 그렇게 좋았다던데|몰라도돼ep.4
[알아야돼&몰라도돼] 9.19 남북군사합의 당장 폐기? 마음처럼 안되는 이유|알아야돼ep.3
[알아야돼&몰라도돼] 몰라도돼ep.3 북한은 9.19군사합의 위반을 작정한 것인가
[알아야돼&몰라도돼] 알아야돼ep.2 계속되는 역사논쟁! 중요한 건 팩트이다!
[알아야돼&몰라도돼] 몰라도돼ep.2 홍범도 논쟁, 우리가 짚고 가야 될 문제인가?
[알아야돼&몰라도돼] 알아야돼ep.1 후쿠시마 원전 오염수가 인체에 어떤 영향을 끼칠까?
[알아야돼&몰라도돼] 몰라도돼ep.1 후쿠시마 원전 오염수! 잘못된 정보가 많은 이유!
곧 찾아뵙겠습니다.
[알아야돼&몰라도돼] 소개 영상곧 찾아뵙겠습니다.